
Blood elf heritage armor demon hunter
Blood elf heritage armor demon hunter

blood elf heritage armor demon hunter

Getting to Revered with Champions of Azeroth is now the only thing I have left to do for Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder Part 1 - in the past week or two, I’ve gotten to Revered with all the other BfA factions. When I’ve completed The Fate of Saurfang and The Shadow Hunter, I’ll do the 8.1 part of the War Campaign. Now I need to find out what’s up with Saurfang and go run Atal’dazar so I can continue finding out what’s up with Vol’jin. I finished the 8.0 part of the War Campaign. I can deal with falling damage, I don’t use my Waterstrider by default so I’ll still just use it when I actually want to do some serious waterwalking, but getting dazed and knocked off my mount when I’m just trying to get from here to there drives me nuts. One of these months/years, I’ll manage to get my Highmountain Tauren Druid, Void Elf Mage, and Blood Elf Mage leveled and get their Heritage Armors, too.Īs for other schtuff from the Patch 8.2 infodump today, the piece of mount equipment I am most excited about is the Barding. So when I get it, I’ll wear it with some alternate chestpiece and leggings swapped in. I like everything in this set except the chestpiece and leggings.

Blood elf heritage armor demon hunter